
IPA: mɛmɝˈændʌm


  • A short note serving as a reminder.
  • A written business communication.
  • A brief diplomatic communication.
  • A page in an annual publication honoring the memory of a person who died during the past year.

Examples of "memorandum" in Sentences

  • The Obama memorandum is on the use of prizes in general, which is an innovative solution to all sorts of crises.
  • Rather, this memorandum is intended solely as a guide to the exercise of investigative and prosecutorial discretion.
  • "If the memorandum is handed over and we are convinced by it, then we begin talks and end with naming who gets what in terms of positions in the country," said Mr. Allawi.
  • In a letter to Welsh Secretary Paul Murphy released today, Llywydd Dafydd Elis-Thomas dismisses claims in a memorandum from the Welsh Affairs Select Committee that there are too many LCOs:
  • (A bench memo is a memorandum from a clerk to a judge explaining the facts of the case, the lower court decision, and the relevant precedents, as well as recommending a rationale for resolving the appeal.)
  • Maliki Seeks Short-Term Fix Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al Maliki, said his government is seeking a short-term memorandum of understanding with the U.S. rather than trying to hammer through a formal agreement on the presence of U.S. forces.
  • The memorandum is then reviewed by the Office of Enforcement Operations and the Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Division, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, and, ultimately, the Attorney General.
  • "Please be advised that all foreign travel requests (SF 1175 requests) and any future travel requests involving or potentially involving climate change, sea ice and/or polar bears will also require a memorandum from the regional director to the director indicating who'll be the official spokesman on the trip and the one responding to questions on these issues, particularly polar bears."

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