IPA: mɛzʌdˈɝm
- (embryology) One of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal. Through embryonic development, it will produce many internal organs of the adult, e.g. muscles, spine and circulatory system.
Examples of "mesoderm" in Sentences
- The mesoderm is one of the three primary germ layers that form during embryonic development
- Mesoderm gives rise to structures such as muscles, bones, and the circulatory system in the developing embryo
- Malformations in the mesoderm can lead to a variety of birth defects and developmental disorders
- The mesoderm plays a crucial role in the formation and organization of tissues and organs in the body
- Researchers are studying the molecular signaling pathways that govern mesoderm formation and differentiation in order to better understand human development and disease