IPA: mˈɛθeɪn
- (organic chemistry, uncountable) The simplest aliphatic hydrocarbon, CH₄, being a constituent of natural gas, and one of the most abundant greenhouse gases.
- (organic chemistry, countable) Any of very many derivatives of methane.
Examples of "methane" in Sentences
- Methane is a colorless and odorless gas that is commonly found in natural gas and is a potent greenhouse gas
- Cows and other livestock produce methane as a byproduct of digestion, contributing to methane emissions in the atmosphere
- Methane can be used as a fuel source for heating and cooking, but burning it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
- Scientists are studying methods to capture and store methane emissions in order to reduce its impact on the environment
- The decomposition of organic matter in landfills also produces methane gas, which can be captured and used as an energy source