IPA: mˈɛtrɪk
- A measure for something; a means of deriving a quantitative measurement or approximation for otherwise qualitative phenomena (especially used in engineering).
- (mathematics) A function for the measurement of the "distance" between two points in some metric space: it is a real-valued function d(x,y) between points x and y satisfying the following properties: (1) "non-negativity": d(x,y)>0, (2) "identity of indiscernibles": d(x,y)=0 mbox iffx=y, (3) "symmetry": d(x,y)=d(y,x), and (4) "triangle inequality": d(x,y)<d(x,z)+d(z,y).
- (mathematics) A metric tensor.
- Abbreviation of metric system. [The system of units developed in France in the 1790s and now used worldwide.]
- (transitive, aerospace, systems engineering) To measure or analyse statistical data concerning the quality or effectiveness of a process.
- Of or relating to the metric system of measurement.
- (music) Of or relating to the meter of a piece of music.
- (mathematics, physics) Of or relating to distance.
Examples of "metric" in Sentences
- The metric is percent of total unemployed that are unemployed for longer than 1 year.
- The only relevant $$$ metric is the net FDIC liability vs. the public $$$$ required to restore solvency.
- The game could be played in the reverse, where the metric is the number of people you see singing along/tapping feet/dancing.
- Look, I'm agnostic on whether this 'metric' is accurate, or whether an entirely non-subjective metric of freedom is even possible.
- I think the distances being metric is probably more of a problem for a short term visitor than it is for those of us that live here.
- Maybe the way to get the US to convert to metric is to start using the proper name for the "English" weights and measures system: "British Imperial Units".
- Why couldn't ESMD have simply directed that things be done in metric in the first place - in compliance with NASA's own regulations (note the OIG report from 2001 years before Constellation was even started).
- TFP, or total factor productivity, is a key long-term metric, capturing technological and managerial efficiencies that the Conference Board believes have accounted for about a quarter of total global output growth in recent years.