IPA: mˈaɪkroʊkʌmpjˈutɝ
- (computer hardware) A computer designed around a microprocessor, smaller than a minicomputer or a mainframe.
Examples of "microcomputer" in Sentences
- I once typed it into my first "microcomputer"--the Amstrad PC6400 shown in the picture.
- I once typed it into my first "microcomputer" -- the Amstrad PC6400 shown in the picture.
- Bill Gates and Paul Allen derived the name Microsoft from 'microcomputer' and which other word?
- My dad bought a new fangled gadget called a microcomputer, the TRS-80, affectionately known as the "trash 80".
- As you are familiar, the Tohoku area has become known for producing important electronic devices, such as microcomputer devices.
- It's a very odd one, not the usual Insilico fare, but that's what you get when you trap an AI in a microcomputer inside a briefcase (in this case, Xiang 2. 0a).
- The first spam was sent out by a marketing representative (who else?) for Digital Equipment Corporation, who was a leader in the microcomputer market back in the 1960s and 1970s.
- Without the transistor, and the subsequent development of the integrated circuit and microcomputer, only large corporations and the government could afford and house these vacuum tube computers, and there would thus be little need to connect them together into a world wide web.