IPA: mˈɪktʃɝɪʃʌn
- (physiology) Urination.
Examples of "micturition" in Sentences
- * All* these games are thinly disguised micturition contests. jamisings
- I was careful with my micturition, making sure that I hit Page 362 in the longer book.
- Such alfresco and civic micturition would also help get the old carbon footprint down to a bijou size three.
- Textbooks can save your life but not your soul that first year, when even the mere act of micturition requires three weeks of planning.
- We have further the drunk being portrayed as a ruminator, albeit an intoxicated one, attempting to find a point of reference in the dilapidated territory of the Tenderloin, and these thought processes result in an act of bemused micturition.
- When Beck started talking about the rising number of junior high school students engaging in oral sex or began using the vulgar past participle for micturition as a synonym for "angry," the presence of a seven-year-old girl in the front row didn't seem to deter him.
- Cutting through the residual aromas of stale tobacco smoke, cheap perfume, oil-based paint, and piney woods deodorizer; cutting through the loo-air with a golden track, comes the smell of your own micturition, a smell heightened a hundredfold by your recent ingestion of asparagus.
- Alix suggests that "Kirsty Wark ... asked some fairly daft and muddled questions" in that Newsnight interview, whereas I reckoned she was more or less avoiding involuntary micturition in her big leather chair with beside-herself laughter at his utterly pathetic know-nothing feebleness.