
IPA: mʌɫˈɪʃʌ


  • An army of trained civilians, which may be an official reserve army, called upon in time of need, the entire able-bodied population of a state which may also be called upon, or a private force not under government control.
  • Synonym of militsia: the national police force of certain countries (e.g. Belarus).

Examples of "militia" in Sentences

  • The court also touched on the meaning of the term militia:
  • The word militia meant something different back then, Noah.
  • Again he says: "The term militia is a collective term meaning a body of men organized."
  • But suppose I adopt the definition of the term militia insisted upon by those who differ from me.
  • The term militia is commonly used today to refer to a military force composed of ordinary citizens [1] to provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or paramilitary service, in times of emergency without being paid a regular salary or committed to a fixed term of service.
  • An aft to apportion At relief* by the fevered fiatutes mm in force directed to bo ghat* to the families of non-eommifioned office, drummers* fifers* and private s y ferving in the mttkia* between the county at large and the peculiar di/Mfts therein not contri - buting to the county rate* according to the number of menferv - ingfor each infuch militia 9 and to remove certain difficulties in rejpeft to the relief of families affithftituUs* hired men* or w lunteers* ferving tn the militia* — - [May 22, .1795.]

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