
IPA: mʌɫˈɛnɝɪzʌm


  • millenarianism

Examples of "millenarism" in Sentences

  • *** (Translator's note: millenarism, chiliasm, doctrine of belief in the millenium)
  • But as the millenarism of the primitive Church gradually died out during the second century, the essential principles involved in it lost none of their hold on men's minds.
  • The Tunisian revolt helps clarify a reality about Arab life: The terrorism we've seen over the past few years, with its utopian millenarism, doesn't stem from the real societies of the
  • Because of this, peasant movements would often express themselves in a form of religious millenarism c.f. the Peasant War in Germany or the Diggers and Levellers in 17th century England which would act as a substitute for the political and economic homogeneity that they so desperately lacked.
  • However, near the south transept there is a humble stone cross, as simple as it is strange, hiding amidst the greenery of the square ... whatever its age [late 17th/early 18th Cent], the HEndaye cross shows by the decoration of its pedestal that it is the strangest monument of primitive millenarism, the rarest symbolical translation of chiliasm***, which I have ever met.

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