IPA: mˈɪɫstoʊn
- A large round stone used for grinding grain.
- (geology) A coarse-grained sandstone used for making such stones; millstone grit.
- A nuclear power station near Waterford, Connecticut, USA.
- An unincorporated community in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States.
- A borough of Somerset County, New Jersey.
- The Millstone River, a tributary of the Raritan River in New Jersey.
- (figurative) Ellipsis of millstone round one's neck (referring to Matthew 18:6 in the Bible): a heavy responsibility that is difficult to bear.
Examples of "millstone" in Sentences
- The weight of guilt felt like a heavy millstone around his neck
- She felt the burden of the family's expectations like a millstone on her shoulders
- The scandal was a millstone hanging over the politician's campaign
- The financial debt became a millstone dragging down their hopes for a better future
- The betrayal was a millstone that crushed their friendship beyond repair