IPA: mˈaɪndɫʌsnʌs
- The property of being mindless.
Examples of "mindlessness" in Sentences
- This is the kind of mindlessness that surrounds this issue.
- I’m just speculating here, but perhaps there are signs that this kind of mindlessness is abating slowly.
- It would seem from all this that he was the ultimate in mindlessness, that he was an approachable and gentle sort of priest.
- Although operating on autopilot, or with "mindlessness," as psychologists call it, allows us to multitask as in simultaneously driving and talking on the phone, it can get us in trouble.
- While these computer algorithms are the expression of mindless machines when they are selling, that same "mindlessness" works in favor of the bullish cause when they are firmly in the "BUY" mode.
- I'm not a software expert other than the fact that I use it a lot, so I judge it based solely on its mindlessness -- in other words, how little I have to think about it when I'm using it, plus how much I have to change my routine to accomodate it.
- This implicit equation of the pleasures of reading with mindlessness is one reason I can't accept the commonly-held notion that getting people (especially young people) simply to read -- it doesn't matter what, as long as they're reading -- should be the goal of language/literary instruction.
- Researchers like Daniel Gilbert, Antonio Damasio, and Dan Ariely saw mindless behavior as a trove of clues, and in many cases, psychologists discovered that there could be a value to "mindlessness" - our seemingly irrational instincts were not only quicker, but often more accurate than our more considered ruminations.
- It's a truism that zombies represent the fear of consumerism and bland conformity (in fact, as publicansdecoy notes, their semiotic coding of mindlessness is redundant; not only do they act brainless, but paradoxically they both desire to consume our brains and are also vulnerable to having their brains destroyed, which makes no sense).