IPA: mˈɪniʌtʃʊr
- Greatly diminished size or form; reduced scale.
- A small version of something; a model of reduced scale.
- A small, highly detailed painting, a portrait miniature.
- The art of painting such highly detailed miniature works.
- An illustration in an illuminated manuscript.
- A musical composition which is short in duration.
- (chess) A chess game which is concluded with very few moves.
- (roleplaying games, board games) A token in a game representing a unit or character.
- Lettering in red; rubric distinction.
- A particular feature or trait.
- (transitive) To make smaller than normal; to reproduce in miniature.
- Smaller than normal.
Examples of "miniature" in Sentences
- The term miniature was applicable to more than just the building.
- The insipid fruit (Unnáb) which looks like an apple in miniature, is much used in stews, etc.
- Even more apocalyptic, Jessica Diamond's world map in miniature is accompanied by all block letters discouragingly asks, IS THAT ALL THERE IS?
- We follow as they re-enact the wars of the nations in miniature from the safety of their respective compounds during a placement in 70's Peking.