IPA: mˈaɪnɪŋ
- The activity of removing solid valuables from the earth.
- (figuratively) Any activity that extracts or undermines.
- (military) The activity of placing mines (the explosive devices).
- (cryptocurrencies) Creation of new units of cryptocurrency by validating transactions and demonstrating proof of work.
Examples of "mining" in Sentences
- "If this is what you call mining, I'm full of it."
- “No, sir, I do not; I am what they call a mining captain.”
- Thorium mining is a terrible justification for space exploitation.
- Look at the use of fossil fuel in mining, ore processing, steel making, etc.
- As discussed on previous calls, we're pursuing a strategy of what we call mining the core.
- Experience with predicitve modeling, multidimensionalcluster analysis, or other forms of data mining is a strong plus.
- What I had read earlier was that his experience in mining made him knowledgeable in handling large technical operations and he became something of a hero.
- "I'm not what you call a mining man; that is, I've never owned or operated a mine, but I take a great interest in examining the different ores and always try to get as much information regarding them as possible."
- This foolish and contemptible product of years wasted in mining the shafts of indignation has been published by the cow-besieged, basketball-sotted sleep-away camp for hick bourgeois offspring, Indiana University, under the aegis of its University Press, a traditional dumping ground for academic deadwood so bereft of talent, intelligence, and endeavor as to be useless even in the dull precincts of midwestern state college classrooms.