
IPA: mˈɪnʌskjuɫ


  • (countable) A lowercase letter.
  • (uncountable) Either of the two medieval handwriting styles minuscule cursive and Caroline minuscule.
  • (countable) A letter in these styles.


  • Written in minuscules, lowercase.
  • Written in minuscule handwriting style.
  • Very small; tiny.

Examples of "minuscule" in Sentences

  • We were exposed to Shakespeare but in minuscule amounts.
  • Roberts described for the jury a high intensity, high-risk home invasion by cops for what he called a minuscule amount of drugs.
  • Reading a 5,000 word contract printed in minuscule print, full of legalese, is one thing, understanding it is a totally different thing.
  • Girls dressed in minuscule outfits brought the wallflowers out of their shells and onto the dance floor as grooved to their rocking sounds.
  • The scientists involved spent years collecting urine and searching for the protein, because they knew it should be there in minuscule amounts.
  • Now … despite all the cries about e-books being the wave of the future, sales numbers remain minuscule by comparison to hardcovers and paperbacks.
  • Griffin said he could "promise DRS a very healthy and robust legal challenge" if the state tries to recoup what he called "minuscule" sales taxes that may have been generated when there was still a relationship with the affiliates and the law was in effect.
  • ROIG-FRANZIA: Well, today, George Felos said that she has received what he described as a minuscule amount of morphine, not the morphine drip that had been reported in some venues, but a suppository of 50 milligrams of morphine that had been administered twice since her feeding tube was removed.

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