IPA: mɝˈɑʒ
- An optical phenomenon in which light is refracted through a layer of hot air close to the ground, often giving the illusion of a body of water.
- (figuratively) An illusion.
- (transitive) To cause to appear as or like a mirage.
Examples of "mirage" in Sentences
- As they trekked through the desert, the shimmering mirage on the horizon seemed to taunt them with promises of water and shade
- The oasis they had been desperately searching for turned out to be nothing but a mirage, a cruel trick of the shimmering heat
- The mirage created by the hot pavement seemed to make the road stretch on endlessly in front of them
- The mirage of success in the distance kept them pushing forward, even when obstacles seemed insurmountable
- The mirage of happiness they had built up in their minds began to fade as reality set in