
IPA: mˈɪsʌbʌɫ


  • (physics, of liquids) Able to be mixed together in all proportions.

Examples of "miscible" in Sentences

  • Several preparations of petroleum known as the miscible oils are sometimes used.
  • I didn't recognize the word "miscible" when I saw it in the first paragraph, though I figured it out further down.
  • Light oils that are partially miscible with seawater can kill many fish, even those that generally occur only at depth [44].
  • Most laboratories store chemicals in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a popular solvent that can dissolve both polar (i.e., miscible with water) and nonpolar compounds.
  • It comes in pills or liquid and is all-in-one formula contains high levels of fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K in water-miscible form, plus water-soluble vitamins and zinc.
  • BLITZER: You know some people are saying that as bad as the physical conditions are for these veterans, these injured veterans, the bureaucracy makes life even more miscible.
  • A substance was not good if it was not workable, that is, if a skilled practitioner could not use it satisfactorily. reference Colors that would be painted onto a surface, for example, should be miscible in the chosen medium.
  • But that diuretics may be employed to the best advantage, it is requisite to chuse such as, besides increasing the quantity of urine, may at the same time render the animal oil more miscible with the watery vehicle of the blood, than otherwise it would be.
  • A water molecule consists of one atom of Oxygen and two of Hydrogen but is also very miscible, that is it mixes well with many other substances, and considered a virtual universal solvent in the amount of substances water can be mixed with to form one homogeneous solution.

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