IPA: mɪsdʌmˈinɝ
- (law, historical in UK) A crime usually punishable upon conviction by a small fine or by a short term of imprisonment. In the USA, misdemeanants usually are incarcerated in county jail for less than one year, but felons usually are incarcerated in state or federal prison for more than one year. Crimes which are punishable by large fines or by longer imprisonment are sometimes called felonies.
- Any act of misbehavior.
Examples of "misdemeanor" in Sentences
- He was charged with a misdemeanor for stealing a candy bar from the convenience store
- The judge decided to reduce the felony charge to a misdemeanor due to lack of evidence
- Committing a misdemeanor can still have serious consequences and affect your criminal record
- She was arrested for disorderly conduct, which is considered a misdemeanor offense
- The attorney advised his client to plead guilty to the misdemeanor in order to avoid a harsher sentence