
IPA: mˈaɪzɝ


  • (derogatory) A person who hoards money rather than spending it; one who is cheap or extremely parsimonious.
  • A kind of earth auger, typically large-bored and often hand-operated.
  • A surname.

Examples of "miser" in Sentences

  • Adam shamelessly accepted the word miser with a gloating chuckle.
  • And she was -- she was a genuine miser, which is a very rare psychological phenomenon.
  • The life of a miser is the constant exercise of human power put to the service of self.
  • The philanthropist donates for fear of being labelled a miser just as the miser hoards for fear of donating.
  • It's one of the reasons that Henry VII was known as a miser, such was the state of the Treasury when he came to the throne in 1485.
  • But a miser is the mirror image of a miner—what the miner digs up, the miser at least figuratively, and sometimes literally buries right back in the ground.
  • He told her of the fairy mill, of the old man's gloating pride in the word miser, of All Souls 'Eve and Adam Craig's hints about the apple tree and the lilac bush.
  • Insofar as the pursuit of this homogeneous substance provides the binding "one law" of his existence, he resembles the Urizenic Bromion; but to the extent that his fetishistic hoarding of gold necessitates a renunciation of all self-expenditure and a paranoid withdrawal from society (which must be seen as a source of expense or potential thievery), he resembles the withdrawn and virtue-hoarding Theotormon (who, like the miser, is also associated with a "threshold" of stone [2: 6]).

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