
IPA: mˈɪsfˈʌŋkʃʌn


  • Synonym of malfunction


  • To function incorrectly; to malfunction.

Examples of "misfunction" in Sentences

  • If a GFCI should misfunction, your life or that of someone in your household could be at risk.
  • John Scott, of Kensington, Md., suggested, “How about saying ‘Whoops, I hit a misfunction key.’”
  • So odd did the light appear that Inman wondered if it emanated from no outside source but was an effect of some misfunction in his thinking.
  • I know, it's an easy shot -- we set ourselves up for wardrobe misfunction at some point in lives when we're struggling to just get up and OUT, but still ....
  • One wonders if these machines were truly being tested and certified, how could they fail and misfunction with the regularity that they have in the last three elections?
  • It is also the only case in medicine where the body of a woman is caused to misfunction (the most common forms of birth control are actually overdoses of hormones which trigger a woman's period) and this is called a step up for womens 'dignity.

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synonyms for misfunctiondescribing words for misfunction

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