
IPA: mˈɪʃˈɛgɑs


  • (slang) Madness; silliness.

Examples of "mishegoss" in Sentences

  • And somewhere in this mishegoss, someone is making a shitload of dosh.
  • But the noted scholar Leo Rosten provides alternative spellings of "mishegoss" and "mishegaas."
  • And it will be back, even though creator Matthew Weiner and the studio and network are in the midst of their usual negotiation mishegoss.
  • So, the mishegoss that is the overseas market means that all those sorely needed production jobs are coming back home for Christmas, right?
  • It's hardly shocking that Hanukkah and its festival of lights, doesn't hold a candle to Santa, the sleigh, the ambitious elves and his whole chimney mishegoss.
  • After the Janet Jackson bosom mishegoss, the NFL got scared of hiring young people, because all young people want to do is take off their clothes, and if you watch television, you know the last thing you ever see on TV is young people taking off their clothes.
  • I think it's great that in the midst of all this mishegoss on the debt ceiling, budget, deficits, stimulus, the committee is taking the time to look at the longer term challenges that middle class families have been struggling with well before the recession took hold.

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