IPA: mɪsˈɔɫʌdʒi
- Hatred or fear of reasoning or argument.
Examples of "misology" in Sentences
- "reinvent the wheel", and deal with the misology of the double standard.
- It's the old "appeal to other ways of knowing," a falling back on emotion over reason that is an all too common refrain in Christian misology.
- But a love of knowledge for itself, and for pure ends, would never produce such a misology, but only a love of it for base and unworthy purposes.
- It has been well said that the theme of the Faust is the consequence of a misology, or hatred of knowledge, resulting upon an original thirst for knowledge baffled.
- The intended theme of the Faust is the consequences of a misology, or hatred and depreciation of knowledge caused by an originally intense thirst for knowledge baffled.
- But this system is mere misology reduced to principles; and, what is the most absurd thing in this doctrine, the neglect of all scientific means is paraded as a peculiar method of extending our cognition.
- At a time when the American electorate is finally rejecting the misology of class warfare and Keynesian government interventionism, along comes a so-called “free market” supporter sticking his foot in his mouth.
- The crowded annals of human misology, as well as the more terrible chronicle of the consequences when misology has impatiently betaken itself to the cruel arm of flesh, show the decisive importance of the precise way in which a great subject of debate is put.
- He had imagination enough and intelligence enough to perceive that they are the most pestilent of all the enemies of mankind, the sombre hierarchs of misology, who take away the keys of knowledge, thrusting truth down to the second place, and discrowning sovereign reason to be the serving drudge of superstition or social usage.
- Some other traits of his character may be noted; for example, the courteous manner in which he inclines his head to the last objector, or the ironical touch, 'Me already, as the tragic poet would say, the voice of fate calls;' or the depreciation of the arguments with which 'he comforted himself and them;' or his fear of 'misology;' or his references to Homer; or the playful smile with which he 'talks like a book' about greater and less; or the allusion to the possibility of finding another teacher among barbarous races (compare Polit.); or the mysterious reference to another science (mathematics?) of generation and destruction for which he is vainly feeling.