
IPA: mɪspɝsˈiv


  • To perceive erroneously.

Examples of "misperceive" in Sentences

  • Do not misperceive it as an artifact of the author's "intent."
  • Perhaps mine eyes misperceive, but the front of the muzzle break reads "FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY."
  • It May Be Fair Sometimes a lack of information can lead workers to misperceive that there's preferential treatment, says Mr. Reed.
  • Clearly, Get Satisfaction has a HUGE communications problem, if so many customers, so many client companies, and so many 37 signals readers 'misperceive' their business.
  • All three sorts of change—life cycle, generational, and period—can occur simultaneously, and thus we are likely to misperceive the slow but inexorable effects of generational change.
  • While many misperceive the investment made in banks under the Troubled Asset Relief Program as an unfair and unjust gift to the financial sector, we have already turned a profit on these investments, and we may do so on all the government intervention programs.
  • "However, by demonstrating the capabilities and the cost that North Korea would pay in case of further provocation you want to do that in such a way that North Korea does not misperceive or miscalculate, and in fact you end up triggering a war because a war would be very costly."
  • For example, if you became defensive to a hostile comment in the past and misperceive constructive, helpful input in the present as an attack and become quickly defensive, that person in the present will quickly begin to realize that they can't give you any input without your taking it the wrong way and they will stop trying to help you.

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