
IPA: mɪspɫˈeɪst


  • Uncomfortable, especially due to one's surroundings.
  • Lost; disoriented, put in the wrong place.

Examples of "misplaced" in Sentences

  • That last bit about being misplaced is a good-natured joke I SWEAR!
  • Yeah, randy is like most of the trolls, not too bright, but he tries to make up for it in misplaced attitude and overinflated ego.
  • Because the idea that their confidence might be misplaced is too scary, would shatter their sense of certainty, leave them lost and confused.
  • Grammar vs. Common Sense Laurence Urdang We all greet with great glee the discovery of what are formally called misplaced modifiers, somewhat less formally dangling participles, and colloquially danglers.
  • He wrote with extreme rapidity in the intervals of other labor; yet there is not a word misplaced, not a sign of haste anywhere, save that the conclusion of the Gallic war was left to be supplied by a weaker hand.
  • While unity has kept the Jewish world strong throughout the Diaspora, if it is perpetuated through blind support of misguided policies, it could severely undermine Israel's national security in the name of misplaced sense of unity.
  • In a telephone interview earlier this week, Blunt fixed the blame for the unemployment crisis on the "colossal failure" of the Recovery Act and what he characterizes as the misplaced priorities of the administration and Democratic-controlled Congress.
  • Observe, Charity misplaced is a great hindrance to true charity; there should be prudence in the choice of the objects of charity, that it may not be thrown away upon those who are not properly so, that there may be the more for those who are real objects of charity.
  • Unhappy over what she termed a misplaced media emphasis on recent anti-reform protests in towns around the U.S., she said she is not expecting a counter-demonstration at tonight's rally, although she added that she had received some hostile e-mails because of her advocacy for reform.

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