
IPA: mɪsstˈeɪt


  • To make a statement that is in error, inadvertently; to say incorrectly, through a slip of the tongue.

Examples of "misstate" in Sentences

  • Because I just don't want to misstate exactly what we were authorized to do.
  • It was a forum for people to repeatedly misstate the positions of their opponents.
  • You miss the point of the Kucinich and Boehner resolutions and misstate the Founders' intentions.
  • Maybe you can help me understand why illibertarians tend to so fundamentally misstate our arguments.
  • But people routinely misstate the truth in online profiles, about everything from their age to their name.
  • Desiderius: Maybe you can help me understand why illibertarians tend to so fundamentally misstate our arguments.
  • Mr. Obama certainly feels that it is his right to demonize and trivialize and misstate the concerns of his opponents.
  • In other appearances, Mr. Perry has misstated the number of Supreme Court justices and seemed to misstate the voting age.
  • I don't want to misstate to the Court exactly what it authorized to do because I have not read the particular order in quite some time.
  • Note that many of the articles continue misstate the actual facts that are easily available on video or audio tape and backed up by witnesses.

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