
IPA: mɪstˈeɪkʌnɫi


  • wrongly, erroneously
  • by accident, by mistake, in error (without intention to do so)

Examples of "mistakenly" in Sentences

  • McCain mistakenly thinks that a timed withdrawal = surrender ...
  • Every August, people get their telescopes out to catch what some call mistakenly shooting stars.
  • Department of Agriculture concluded it had awarded the label mistakenly, because the company was still using medication that it characterized as antibiotics.
  • * In Canada, some early copies of the initial run of this title mistakenly have Ang Lee's earlier "Hulk" film in the case instead of the newer Incredible Hulk film.
  • Text-only version The mistakes date back at least to the 1930s, when Pete Palangio of the Chicago Blackhawks had his name mistakenly engraved twice -- once spelled incorrectly as "Palagio."
  • Toni Braxton's little sister will be here (woot! woot!) and N-Toon, which will have shitloads of people in the crowd, simply because I called mistakenly referred to them as N-Sync in the paper this week.
  • When I recall how often I have seen Socialists and ardent non-Socialists working side by side for some specific measure of social or industrial reform, and how I have found opposed to them on the side of privilege many shrill reactionaries who insist on calling all reformers Socialists, I refuse to be panic-stricken by having this title mistakenly applied to me.
  • From the CTA, O'Hare, Chicago Public Schools and many of Daley's other debacles, he now also wants to spend about a half-billion dollars more on a temporary city-controlled stadium for the Olympic bid that is only necessary due to Daley's $700 million cost to taxpayers in mistakenly renovating Soldier Field in a way that eliminated it from being used as the main Olympic venue.

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