
IPA: mɪsjˈuzd


  • Used in an incorrect or inappropriate manner.

Examples of "misused" in Sentences

  • "We just don't want to see the term misused any longer."
  • And the fact freedom can be misused is no reason not to wantit.
  • Seeing quotation marks misused is a distraction from your message.
  • "How it was used and, in my view, misused is what I take issue with."
  • I am careful not to gamble away the integrity of my identity, not to have my name misused.
  • Still, we hear the term misused: an acronym is an abbreviation, but not all abbreviations are acronyms; that is, an acronym is a pronounceable sequence of letters (which might, but do not, necessarily, form a recognizable word) made up of the initial or beginning letters of a name or phrase.

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