
IPA: mˈɪtrʌ


  • A person who is interested in becoming a Buddhist and elects to join a Buddhist community to learn more.
  • A divinity of Vedic culture, hypostasis of friendship and one-half of the dvandva (compound divinity) Varuna-Mitra.
  • (uncommon) A deity invoked in the Hurrian Mitanni of ca. 1400 BC.
  • A surname from Sanskrit.
  • (rare) Misspelling of Iranian Mithra (Miθra).

Examples of "mitra" in Sentences

  • Shenyen, the Tibetan translation here for mitra, means literally relative-friend.
  • Padre e sposo felice gli rideva la vita ma voi gliela troncaste con raffiche di mitra!
  • The second component of the term spiritual friend, mitra in Sanskrit, is the common word for friend.
  • Often they wear a cylindrical cap, rather wider at the top than at the bottom, called mitra by the Greeks.
  • Instead, it is kalyana-mitra in Sanskrit and geway-shenyen (dge-ba'i bshes-gnyen) in Tibetan, abbreviated as Geshe (dge-bshes).
  • Bacchus, crowned with ivy, his head covered with the _mitra_, a sort of veil of fine texture which descends upon his left shoulder.
  • However, since kalyana-mitra here is a Mahayana term, the constructive state to which spiritual friends lead disciples is specifically enlightenment.
  • The concelebrating prelates wore very dignified matching chasubles and mitres (although the latter ones are technically incorrect, since they should wear the mitra simplex):
  • I have a feeling it goes downhill from here though jamie rhona mitra is really hot but these underworld movies are the kind of movies i would be constantly checking the color settings on my tv, way too blue
  • Write to S. Mitra Kalita at mitra. Corrections & Amplifications Foreigners 'applications to U.S. institutions that offer a master's as their highest degree declined 17% for fall 2009, according to the Council of Graduate S.hools.

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