
IPA: nɪmˈɑnɪks


  • (plural only) The study of techniques for remembering anything more easily.

Examples of "mnemonics" in Sentences

  • We've left two words without mnemonics so you can practise making some of your own.
  • Sure, keyword mnemonics can be very useful for anyone trying to improve their vocabulary.
  • I need those mnemonics to recall which book a scene is in, or which year a story is from.
  • Systematic, or scientific study is invaluable as supplying a natural kind of mnemonics, if for nothing else.
  • As illustrated by Foer's example, the key with mnemonics is creating the most striking visual images possible.
  • The table below shows a list of nine more Estonian words, with mnemonics provided by the community at
  • A visit to any bookshop will reveal myriad self-help books promoting the use of mnemonics as a means of improving your memory.
  • The art of mnemonics is insufficiently taught, and when practised by novices is apt to lead to confusion: witness the crude prep. -school chestnut about Mrs. Lummock and Mrs. Kelly.
  • The two systems are similarly comparable as far as keyboard accessibility is concerned, but Windows-minded users will have a hard time memorizing the combinations instead of reading the mnemonics from the menus.

Related Links

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