IPA: mˈoʊt
- A deep, wide defensive ditch, normally filled with water, surrounding a fortified habitation.
- (business, figurative) An aspect of a business which makes it more "defensible" from competitors, because of the nature of its products, services or franchise or for some other reason.
- A circular lowland between a resurgent dome and the walls of the caldera surrounding it.
- (meteorology) A clear ring outside the eyewall of a tropical cyclone.
- (obsolete) A hill or mound.
- A surname.
- (transitive) To surround with a moat.
Examples of "moat" in Sentences
- Outside the moat is a fine walk, with a view of the sea.
- That is a characteristic he has long sought in investments, which he calls a "moat" against competition.
- But tough competition and low switching costs prevent it from building a long-term moat, and thus prevent it from being a
- There are several other kinds of grain in use amongst the Natives for the use of cattle; one called moat, [24] of an olive green colour.
- Saving the day on the other side of the moat is my skinny-ass Haitian neighbor Gustav, he literally pulls me up along the dirt out the moat!
- It's like handing the reader the keys to the kingdom and then saying, sorry, the moat is clogged up and we won't be re-opening until 6: 00 p.m. tomorrow.
- One day, leaving this idyllic perch – the moat is broad and green and a mile long on each of its four sides – we went to visit the over seven hundred pages of the Buddha’s teachings.
- Mr. GLASSMAN: I would put -- we recommend putting most of it or let's say $50 or $60 of it into growth stocks; that is to say larger companies that have shown in the past that they can increase their earnings at a pretty good clip and have a-- what we call a moat around their business, a kind of a franchise.