IPA: mˈɔd
- (uncountable) An unconventionally modern style of fashionable dress originating in England in the 1960s, characterized by ankle-length black trenchcoats and sunglasses.
- (UK) A 1960s British person who dressed in such a style and was interested in modernism and the modern music of the time; the opposite of a rocker.
- (video games) An end user-created package containing modifications to the look or behaviour of a video game.
- (Internet) A moderator, for example on a discussion forum.
- (computing, informal) A module (file containing a tracker music sequence).
- (climbing) A moderately difficult route.
- (in the plural, Oxford University, informal) Moderations: university examinations generally taken in the first year.
- A festival of Scottish Gaelic song, arts and culture, akin to the Welsh eisteddfod.
- (informal) Clipping of modification. [(obsolete, philosophy) The form of existence belonging to a particular object, entity etc.; a mode of being.]
- (mathematics, programming) Abbreviation of modulus. [(mathematics) The base with respect to which a congruence is computed.]
- (statistics) Abbreviation of mode. [(music) One of several ancient Greek scales.]
- (UK politics) Initialism of Ministry of Defence; also MoD.
- (military, by extension) Initialism of ministry of defense. (not retricted to the British War Ministry)
- (underwater diving) Initialism of maximum operating depth.
- (Internet slang) Initialism of method of delivery.
- (UK politics) Initialism of Ministry of Defence; also MOD.
- (military, by extension) Abbreviation of ministry of defence. (not restricted to the British Ministry of War)
- (transitive, informal) To modify (an object) from its original condition, typically for the purposes of individualizing and/or enhancing the performance of the object.
- (video games) To install or create a mod.
- (transitive, Internet, informal) To moderate; to silence or punish (a rule-breaking user) on a forum, especially when done by a moderator.
- Abbreviation of moderate. [Not excessive; acting in moderation]
- (dentistry) Initialism of mesio-occlusal-distal.
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