IPA: mˈɑdɝˈɑtoʊ
- (music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played at a moderate tempo.
- (music) A passage having this mark
- (music) (to be) played in this style
- (music) played in this style
Examples of "moderato" in Sentences
- A.r. for two of four part chorus by N.A. M. A.dante moderato
- Revised and edited for two or four part chorus by N.A. M. A.legro moderato
- A.apted and arranged for unison, two or four part chorus by N.A. M. A.dante moderato
- The first forty-five and a half bars are for the orchestra, allegro moderato e grazioso.
- Not the least curious section of this piece of early programme music is a _moderato_ recording the various articles of the capitulation.
- From there, Here Anonymous tows the line of somber moderato, mixing demure numbers like “Bad Connection” and “Goodbye” with more upbeat fare.
- [Here, Wagner illustrates with a 2-bar musical example.] where you have forgotten to mark the tempo as piu moderato, that is almost twice as slow as before, and in the G major passage
- Multos ibi quina cubita constat longitudine excedere: non expuere: non capitis, aut dentium, aut oculorum vllo dolore affici, rarò aliarum corporis partium: tam moderato Solis vapore durari.
- Multos ibi quina cubita constat longitudine excedere: non expuere: non capitis, aut dentium, aut oculorum vllo dolore affici, rar� aliarum corporis partium: tam moderato Solis vapore durari.
- [Here, Wagner illustrates with a 2-bar musical example.] where you have forgotten to mark the tempo as piu moderato, that is almost twice as slow as before, and in the G major passage (before the ensemble in B major), which, in my opinion, was also taken too fast, the rhythmical climax of the second part of the finale being considerably impaired thereby.