IPA: mˈɔɪstʃɝ
- That which moistens or makes damp or wet; exuding fluid; liquid in small quantity.
- The state of being moist.
- (medicine) Skin moisture noted as dry, moist, clammy, or diaphoretic as part of the skin signs assessment.
Examples of "moisture" in Sentences
- Black powder is hygroscopic (draws moisture from the air).
- If the stock is warping or shifting due to changes in moisture content, it could easily affect zero.
- The hatter would place the hat on the pin, and push this into a liquid mercury bath, purging out the moisture from the wool.
- A fern-grass-sedge pampa covers the summit areas of the larger islands where moisture is retained in temporary pools and sphagnum moss.
- A call to the Allegheny County Health Department confirms our worst fears: The source of this moisture is almost certainly raccoon saliva.
- As convection increases over the warmer waters of the central/eastern Pacific due to the El Nino this moisture is carried towards the US on the sub-tropical jet.
- In parts of the lower portion of the property the moisture is constant, so there is a system of Canals and hidden tubes to drain excess rain and irrigation water.