
IPA: moʊmˈɛntʌs


  • Outstanding in importance, of great consequence.

Examples of "momentous" in Sentences

  • After that San Rafael night, Dylan makes what he describes as the momentous shift from 2 to 3.
  • The Federal Communications Commission is holding what it described as a momentous meeting on the Open Internet beginning at 10:30AM ET Tuesday morning.
  • Speaking after her inauguration, Otunbayeva, 59, hailed what she described as a momentous new era for Kyrgyzstan, which has endured months ofpolitical and ethnic violence since former
  • Speaking after her inauguration, Otunbayeva, 59, hailed what she described as a momentous new era for Kyrgyzstan, which has endured months of political and ethnic violence since former
  • I don't think Octavian Nothing is for everybody, but I do think it's YA -- the story of an adolescent finding himself, the story of a young person caught up in momentous events ... what's not YA?
  • Conversely, the Nazis rejected and even reviled socialist cultural and historical traditions such as the celebration of the French Revolution and the 1848 Revolutions or the lore of workers 'struggles in momentous strikes and protests.
  • The Australian prime minister also noted what she called the "momentous" upheaval in the Middle East, and pledged her alliance with the United States in condemning Iran's nuclear program, and in a call for an Israeli-Palestinian resolution.
  • Thus, although Easy's search for a young man who has run away to join the militant Urban Revolutionary Party may keep us turning pages, more momentous is what Easy's investigation reveals about the black community's struggle for autonomy and dignity — a struggle mirrored in the detective's life as well.
  • This pattern is especially alarming because if he gets on the Supreme Court, Alito will be taking part in momentous decisions regarding the scope of executive authority in national security matters - cases like those involving "enemy combatants" and detainees and surveillance in what's called the war against terror.

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