IPA: mˈɑnʌstɛri
- A residence for monks or others who have taken religious vows.
Examples of "monastery" in Sentences
- You may think that living in a monastery is a sweet life.
- Then the monastery is infused with the sounds of the women's spirituality.
- The monastery is one of the country's oldest and most prominent monasteries and is a major tourist attraction.
- “Mr. Burman,” Father Boniface said, “to answer your question, this monastery is two hundred years old, but a mere infant compared to the ones in Europe.”
- Gormley visited the Shaolin monastery and the small living areas of the monks, as well as dwellings of factory workers that he saw there, reminded him of shelving, or coffins.
- The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church received with astonishment and regret news about brutal violence toward patients of the substance abuse in monastery Crna Reka in the Rasko-Prizrenska Eparchy.
- When Adelheid of Gotteszell wrestled with the devil during her prayers in the dormitory, she was tortured and thrown from side-to-side, her outbursts were heard by the entire monastery from the dormitory to the refectory. 146
- Originally the term monastery designated, both in the East and in the West, the dwelling either of a solitary or of a community; while caenobium, congregatio, fraternitas, asceterion, etc. were applied solely to the houses of communities.
- "The film does not depict a monastery, but it transforms itself into a monastery, because a monastery is a place where, through the rhythm of time, which is very strict, and through [the monks '] confinement, the spiritual space is opened up for them."