IPA: mʌnˈɑpʌɫi
- A situation, by legal privilege or other agreement, in which solely one party (company, cartel etc.) exclusively provides a particular product or service, dominating that market and generally exerting powerful control over it.
- An exclusive control over the trade or production of a commodity or service through exclusive possession.
- The privilege granting the exclusive right to exert such control.
- (metonymically) The market thus controlled.
- (metonymically) The holder (person, company or other) of such market domination in one of the above manners.
- (games, board games) A board game in which players use play money to buy and trade properties, with the objective of forcing opponents into bankruptcy.
Examples of "monopoly" in Sentences
- Profile of SAIC -- former internet domain monopoly is the invisible spook WalMart
- I know that, but the term monopoly is used much more loosely outside of economic textbooks.
- Nasionale Pers chief executive Hennie van Deventer said the term monopoly had always been loosely used.
- When consumers hear the term monopoly, the first thing that comes to mind is often price-fixing and other illegal business practices.
- It is to be noted that in this seventh law we have used in apposition with the term monopoly, the term "inequality of competition" instead of
- There are two evils of our present railway system, however, which are not chargeable to monopoly, but to the _attempt to defeat monopoly_, and which are important to our discussion.
- Any assignment which does not convey to the assignee the entire and unqualified monopoly which the patentee holds in the territory specified, or an undivided interest in the entire _monopoly, _ is a mere license.
- In The Economic Way of Thinking, for example, the ambiguity associated with the term monopoly is explored --- if you define the relevant market broadly enough no monopoly is evident, but if your definition is narrow then every good will exhibit monopolistic characteristics.