
IPA: mˈʌnθ


  • A period into which a year is divided, historically based on the phases of the moon.
  • A period of 30 days, 31 days, or some alternation thereof.
  • (obsolete, in the plural) A woman's period; menstrual discharge.

Examples of "month" in Sentences

  • year = $year, month = $month, day = $day, time_zone = ‘UTC’
  • • British dead and wounded in Afghanistan, month by month• Get the Afghan civilian casualties data
  • The presidential office and the ruling Grand National Party have agreed to open a parliamentary session late this month to deliberate bills that failed to pass in last month� extra National Assembly session.
  • I sent an email to the library, explaining that I had had some books for about 5 months now - the first month, 3 renewals and now it was a month+ over-due March, 20, actually - but could I please keep them until June?
  • That doesn't count all the permanent population on Council Tax assistance (the junior printer at my last job, who lived in a council flat (rent: £10 a month) with his girlfriend and baby paid only £20 a month*), and other benefits.
  • How It Works The script gets the value for variable $month by tapping into one of PHP's numerous built-in date func - tions; date ( "n") returns a value equal to the numerical equivalent of the month as set in your server, such as 1 for January, 2 for February, and so on.
  • • 81.4 per cent of creative professionals that have used an image without paying for it did not feel guilty• 44 per cent legally download between one and five pictures each month, while seven per cent buy more than 11 stock images each month• Nearly half (48 per cent) do not have a microstock image budget but five per cent spend in excess of

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synonyms for monthdescribing words for month

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