
IPA: mˈʌnθs


  • (obsolete) A woman's period; menstrual discharge.

Examples of "months" in Sentences

  • Immediately __ 6 months __ 12 months__ 18 months__
  • CASE I. ---- Wilshire, aged two years seven months, died of '_Water on the brain_,' -- _suckled twelve months_.
  • Thomas Donovan, aged two years two months; admitted for Hooping-cough, with _an affection of the head_ -- _suckled twelve months_.
  • Ellen Willoughby, aged nine months, admitted for Meningitis; at present suckled by a woman who has been _delivered one year and nine months_.
  • Activists and others lost count of the number of times they were told the review would be completed \ "in weeks, not months\" -- even as months stretched on.
  • '---- Jackson, residing at ----, aged two years six months, who had been kept _at the breast twenty-two months_, was in a dying state when I was requested to see her.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Six months of the Obama administration'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'What evaluation can be made in light of six months\' experience?
  • I'm afriad i'll actually write what i've been thinking these past couple months ... (i have nothing to write within these brackets) * first of all, before i get too deep, here's a re-cap of my life these past couple months*
  • Now locusts live but five months; and therefore, for the decorum of the type, these locusts are said to _hurt men five months and five months_, as if they had lived about five months at _Damascus_, and again about five months at _Bagdad_; in all ten months, or 300 prophetic days, which are years.
  • ” Again, in Tonga, “no person can touch a dead chief without being taboo’d for ten lunar months, except chiefs, who are only taboo’d for three, four, or five months, according to the superiority of the dead chief; except again it be the body of Tooitonga [the great divine chief], and then even the greatest chief would be taboo’d ten months….

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