IPA: mˈɔrʌɫ
- (of a narrative) The ethical significance or practical lesson.
- (chiefly in the plural) Moral practices or teachings: modes of conduct.
- (obsolete) A morality play.
- (slang, dated) A moral certainty.
- (slang, dated) An exact counterpart.
- A surname from Spanish.
- A township in Shelby County, Indiana, United States.
- (intransitive) To moralize.
- Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour.
- Conforming to a standard of right behaviour; sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment.
- Capable of right and wrong action.
- Probable but not proved.
- Positively affecting the mind, confidence, or will.
Examples of "moral" in Sentences
- Assuming an action has moral worth only if it expresses a good will, such actions have no genuine ˜moral worth™.
- It is the moral strength, or, at any rate, the _moral consciousness_ which struck and surprised me so much in the poems.
- What I mean by "Moral Primary" is a moral concept which need not be justified on the basis of any other * moral* premise.
- If we are going to debate the question whether there is a need for moral principles, we need some idea of what we mean by a ˜moral principle™.
- _Beautiful_, for instance, is said not only of a successful expression, but also of a scientific truth, of an action successfully achieved, and of a moral action: thus we talk of an _intellectual beauty_, of a _beautiful action_, of a _moral beauty_.
- And see you not how the mighty engine of _moral power_ is dragging in its rear the Bible and peace societies, anti-slavery and temperance, sabbath schools, moral reform, and missions? or to adopt another figure, do not these seven philanthropic associations compose the beautiful tints in that bow of promise which spans the arch of our moral heaven?
- The less complete reaction from sophistic teaching attempted only such reconstruction of the moral point of view as should recover a law or principle of general and universally cogent character, whereon might be built anew a _moral_ order without attempting to extend the inquiry as to a universal principle into the regions of abstract truth or into physics.