IPA: mɔrfʌɫˈɑdʒɪkɫi
- With regard to morphology.
Examples of "morphologically" in Sentences
- OpenBrick: int, int, img → img: morphologically opens an image with a brick
- ErodeBrick: int, int, img → img: morphologically erodes an image with a brick
- CloseBrick: int, int, img → img: morphologically closes an image with a brick
- DilateBrick: int, int, img → img: morphologically dilates an image with a brick
- People go back and forth on whether compound or affixed nouns and verbs are morphologically opaque.
- I have a feeling that if there are male bdelloids they are very different morphologically from the females.
- This can be defined morphologically, but mutant mice studies show that small genetic changes can affect the timing of resorption and ossification of the bones involved.
- The idea that the brains of heterosexuals and homosexuals may be different morphologically is derived from the idea that the brains of men and women are different morphologically — recall the corpus callosum study by De Lacoste-Utamsing and Holloway.
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