
IPA: mˈoʊʃʌn


  • (uncountable) A state of progression from one place to another.
  • (countable) A change of position with respect to time.
  • (physics) A change from one place to another.
  • (countable) A parliamentary action to propose something. A similar procedure in any official or business meeting.
  • (obsolete) An entertainment or show, especially a puppet show.
  • (philosophy) from κίνησις (kinesis); any change. Traditionally of four types: generation and corruption, alteration, augmentation and diminution, and change of place.
  • Movement of the mind, desires, or passions; mental act, or impulse to any action; internal activity.
  • (law) A formal request, oral or written, made to a judge or court of law to obtain an official court ruling or order for a legal action to be taken by, or on behalf of, the movant.
  • (euphemistic) A movement of the bowels; the product of such movement.
  • (music) Change of pitch in successive sounds, whether in the same part or in groups of parts. (Conjunct motion is that by single degrees of the scale. Contrary motion is when parts move in opposite directions. Disjunct motion is motion by skips. Oblique motion is when one part is stationary while another moves. Similar or direct motion is when parts move in the same direction.)
  • (obsolete) A puppet, or puppet show.
  • (mechanical engineering) A piece of moving mechanism, such as on a steam locomotive.
  • A surname.


  • To gesture indicating a desired movement.
  • (proscribed) To introduce a motion in parliamentary procedure.
  • To make a proposal; to offer plans.

Examples of "motion" in Sentences

  • The shots of all the balloons in motion is excellent.
  • Even though the motion is already filed, you still have an opportunity to find other cases before you argue it.
  • For a similar reason, a collision head-on between two cars in motion is much more violent than if one of them is at rest.
  • Their commander, AJ, a trim man with a pink complexion who seems uncomfortable when not in motion, is an older version of them all.
  • Understanding, then, the term motion in the extended sense just explained, we shall comprehend more clearly the theory stated above.
  • The physical refutation of the self-existence of the universe is completed by the discovery, _that all the orbs of heaven, as well as the earth, are in motion, and that an orderly and regulated motion_. [
  • His final thoughts on what he can reveal about the story – I can say that what basically starts this whole story in motion is that Son of Satan finds out from Blaze that Zadkiel is trying to kill the Anti-Christ.
  • Another patent in the steam-engine series, taken out in 1784, contained, besides other methods of converting a circular or angular motion into a perpendicular or rectilineal motion, the well-known and much-admired _parallel motion_, and the application of the steam-engine to give motion to wheel-carriages for carrying persons and goods.
  • The said first Bill, in the body thereof, containeth no new matter, but is precisely the same with the motion before mentioned, and liable to all the objections which lay against the said motion, excepting the following particular, viz. that _by the motion_, actual taxation was to be suspended, so long as America should give as much as the said Parliament might think proper: whereas, _by the proposed

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