IPA: mˈaʊθpis
- A part of any device that functions in or near the mouth, especially:
- The part of a telephone that is held close to the mouth.
- The part of a wind instrument that is held in or against the mouth.
- A spokesman; one who speaks on behalf of someone else.
- (slang) A lawyer for the defense.
Examples of "mouthpiece" in Sentences
- Tucker like the typical rightwing mouthpiece is a ‘tool’.
- That leftwing mouthpiece is nothing but a propaganda outlet for Liberal Democrats.
- I guess right wing unfunny mouthpiece is a last refuge for a has been searching for a meal ticket.
- The mouthpiece is connected to a computer that prints out a report and we will discuss the report with you.
- Tony Snow describes his job as 'helping set policy,' does that sound like the mouthpiece is out of the loop?
- And only a mouthpiece from a similar background with a similar dearth of experience under fire would consider using those words.
- In the rest of the world this political mouthpiece is a self-confessed left leaning government rent a crowd - and you accuse them of Bias towards the Tories.