IPA: mˈoʊ
- The act of mowing (a garden, grass, etc.).
- (cricket) A shot played with a sweeping or scythe-like motion.
- (now only dialectal) A scornful grimace; a wry face.
- (now regional) A stack of hay, corn, beans or a barn for the storage of hay, corn, beans.
- The place in a barn where hay or grain in the sheaf is stowed.
- A surname.
- Alternative form of mew (a seagull) [(archaic, poetic, dialectal) A gull, seagull.]
- Initialism of meals on wheels. [A service that delivers food to those unable to cook for themselves, such as the elderly and people with disabilities.]
- (transitive) To cut down grass or crops.
- (transitive, often with through) To cut down or slaughter in great numbers.
- To make grimaces, mock.
- (agriculture) To put into mows.
Examples of "mow" in Sentences
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