IPA: nˈɑn
- A type of round, flat bread baked in a tandoor popular in South and Central Asian cuisine.
Examples of "naan" in Sentences
- She didn’t give me a choice, so I don’t know what the naan is like.
- That garlic in this naan is in the dough, so there is a nice light flavor of it throughout the bread.
- I’ve eaten at Curry Dreams a few times, and I always feel that their naan is the high point of the meal.
- The ultimate temptation was this olive-onion naan from the Cooker, using this recipe from Evil Jungle Prince.
- I believe traditional naan is simply kneaded with yeast and allowed to rise naturally, but here, some baker's yeast is added to speed the process along.
- I wanted a griddle baked bread since the naan was a simulated clay oven bread and I did not feel like deep frying anything, so that left griddle breads.
- This time I made the family wait while I snapped a few photos!), so even though naan is our favorite, I did not want to make it as I wanted to challenge myself.