IPA: nɑˈivnʌs
- lack of sophistication or worldliness
Examples of "naiveness" in Sentences
- Both naiveness and naivete are both nouns and can be used in this instance.
- I cannot find the words to express my amazement at people's vanity and naiveness.
- Maybe young and stupid sometimes, but sometimes that naiveness, it's a little scary.
- She's turning it into a race about Kindergarten essays and her main rivals 'naiveness.
- It is irresponsible and shows your naiveness (sp?) and inexperience with dealing with other people.
- I expect the naiveness from the college kids, but you adults who have been voting for awhile should know better!
- Her wide saucer eyes just make her discoveries all that much more sweet and really re-emphasize the innocence and naiveness she brings to Death.
- As this strategy unfolds, Iranians will pay in lost independence or in blood for the naiveness of its secularized youth and for the mistake the mullahs made in trusting Mousavi.
- Too little too late, Obama has lost the people he needs to win in November, his lies, constant flip flops, and naiveness … All on video, they will rip him apart once the nomination is over, and it will all be his fault.