IPA: nˈeɪmkoʊ
- Pholiota microspora; a type of edible mushroom used in Japanese cookery
Examples of "nameko" in Sentences
- The best improvements were found in the popular nameko and shiitake mushrooms.
- Under the best conditions the nameko yield was 80% greater than the untreated control crop, while the shiitake crop yield doubled.
- Coriander soup with squid nameko mushrooms and shiso cress: a fine slicing gave a snap to the squid that otherwise might have been chewy.
- “We saw the best effects in shiitake and nameko mushrooms, while we also tested reishi mushrooms, which are not edible but are used in certain types of traditional Chinese medicine,” he said.
- The four year study from Iwate University bombarded ten varieties of mushrooms with jolts of electricity with electrifying results: 8 out 10 varieties grew at an increased rate with shiitake yields doubling and nameko mushrooms producing 80 percent more mushrooms.