
IPA: nˈeɪmz


  • verbal abuse; a crude substitute for argument

Examples of "names" in Sentences

  • GuiControl,, names, \% names\% \% j\% ` r ` n gosub, count
  • Test memory for _names_ of objects by preparing five lists of names, eight names in a list, and reading the names as in experiment No.  1.
  • And this doth agree with our ancient books, where it is holden that a man may have divers names at divers times, _but not divers Christian names_. "
  • The fifth to the giving of the names of ‘accidents’ to ‘names’ and ‘speeches’, as they do that say, ‘the nature of a thing is its definition, ’ ‘a man’s command is his will, ’ and the like.
  • The fourth to the giving of the names of ‘bodies’ to ‘names’ or ‘speeches, ’ as they do that say that ‘there be things universal, ’ that ‘a living creature is genus, ’ or ‘a general thing, ’ etc.
  • ALL names: = RegExReplace (names, "\n", "") if filter = 1 imgs = \% names\% else imgs = *. \%filetype\% if tsx > = 0 tsx = +\%tsx\% else tsx = \% tsx\% if tsy > = 0 tsy = +\%tsy\% else tsy = \% tsy\%
  • + -- _From the following words select and write in one column those names that distinguish individual things from others of the same class, and in another column those words that are derived from individual names_: --
  • Appleboro that I let everybody else wait until I'd gone around to the monument an 'looked up at our man standin' there on top of it, an 'I found myself sayin' over the names he's guardin 'as if I was sayin' my prayers: _our names_.
  • •names of tribes and diftridts, and he omits fuch as were moft celebrated at the time of his writing; other names thrown in arbitrarily, I fuppofe, by interpolators, have not the common roots of the Celtic language to countenance their infertion.
  • I improved the opportunity to obtain the names of the ladies present, and succeeded with all, old and young, except one who was afraid it would get her into a trap; but with _the rest it needed but little electioneering beside reading your advertisement to secure their names_.

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