IPA: nˈænoʊsɛkʌnd
- (metrology) An SI unit of time equal to 10⁻⁹ seconds. Symbol: ns
Examples of "nanosecond" in Sentences
- At the last "nanosecond," Derek Parsons said, he looked up.
- Half a nanosecond is my guess as to what would be a truthful answer.
- Saves me like nanoseconds in time, but still, a nanosecond is a nanosecond.
- The nanosecond you receive deeply disconcerting news, pay attention to your reaction, and honor your upset.
- The Israeli government under PM Benjamin Netanyahu has not for a nanosecond reduced its commitment to peace.
- "He professed no alarm about bad news from Iraq, saying that recent trends (such as a spike in killings) were just a 'nanosecond' in historical terms."
- Gutterman , acknowledged that sometimes police have to make shooting judgments in a " nanosecond, " but added " this was just tunnel vision, contagious shooting.
- Dan, with all due respect, everyone knows a nanosecond is that magical time between when the locked cardoor leaves your fingertips and the instant your brain realizes that your keys are still in the switch ...
- ** Though a nanosecond has a technical definition as a millionth of a second, PT has always been partial to the folk definition: A nanosecond is the length of time between when the light in front of you goes green and the car behind you honks its horn.