
IPA: nænoʊtˈub


  • (chemistry) Shortening of carbon nanotube; A carbon molecule, in the shape of a tube, having a fullerene structure and a diameter of about 1 or 2 nanometers.
  • any nanotech tubular structure with a characteristic diameter measured in a few nanometres, such as titanium nanotubes

Examples of "nanotube" in Sentences

  • "The nanotube is the smallest tube on earth and we have found a sleeve to put over it,"
  • What Sarah Palin knows about scientific processes and methods would fit in a a nanotube.
  • The idea is for injected "nanotube" particles to be carried to tumours in the bloodstream.
  • The gap between nanotube and its silicon oxide substrate thermally insulates the nanotube, meaning heat builds up in the structure rather than dissipating.
  • "The nanotube is the smallest tube on earth and we have found a sleeve to put over it," says Papadimitrakopoulos, whose discovery is featured in the March 6 issue of
  • US researchers have demonstrated a form of nanotube archival memory that can store a memory bit for a billion years, and has a theoretical trillion bits/square inch density.
  • But carbon nanotubes and graphene also enable some completely new applications -- such as nanotube-based transparent conductors for the display industry and nanotube-enhanced supercapacitors for the coming "smart" electricity grid.
  • Sandia National Laboratories researchers have successfully designed and demonstrated key features of a hydrogen storage system for GM Sandia researchers construct carbon nanotube device that can detect colors of the rainbow Jumbo 'nanotube' existence confirmed at Sandia/LANL nanotech center

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