IPA: nɑrˈɑnjˈɪɫʌ
- Solanum quitoense, a subtropical perennial plant from northwestern South America.
- The edible fruit of this plant.
Examples of "naranjilla" in Sentences
- Another fruit that flopped was the naranjilla, also known as the lulo.
- In this era of boutique juices, naranjilla juice could make a comeback.
- Part I. Atemoya, passion fruit, inga, loquat and naranjilla (29: 15 min); Part I..
- The juice was orange in color, but had a fuller, more complex taste, that of the naranjilla, once again.
- (Carica sp.), which have potential as germplasm; lucuma (Pouteria lucuma), a staple fruit which bears year round; naranjilla (Solanum quitoense), a good fruit for juices; pacay (Inga sp.), a sweet-fleshed pod; passion fruit