
IPA: nɑrkˈɑtɪzɪŋ


  • inducing stupor or narcosis

Examples of "narcotising" in Sentences

  • "Be sober," and amid all the narcotising atmospheres of enchanted grounds preserve a wakeful spirit by a ceaseless fellowship with God.
  • Such powerful agents carry their own condemnation, for they cannot in the nature of things _remove the cause_ of the pain; hence their action is limited to narcotising the nerves.
  • _does_ occasionally deteriorate the moral character, as the inordinate use of chloral or bromide of potassium may deprave the mind, by lowering the tone of certain of the nervous centres, in narcotising them and impairing their nutrition.
  • Here few save the hardiest plants can live, the spiny, gummy, and succulent cactus and thistles, aloes and figs. The arborescent tabayba (_Euphorbia canariensis_), locally called 'cardon,' is compared by some with the 'chandelier' of the Cape, bristling with wax tapers: the Guanches used it extensively for narcotising fish.

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