IPA: nˈɑrkʌtaɪz
- (transitive) To use a narcotic in order to make (someone) drowsy or insensible; to anesthetize, to drug.
- (transitive) To dull the senses of (a person, place etc.).
- (transitive) To make into a narcotic.
Examples of "narcotize" in Sentences
- He used to drink in order to narcotize his persecutors, now he prays in stead.
- You narcotize them; they're given thorazine, they're given various kinds of medication make them a zombie.
- No navigation is available, nor is a rear-seat video system, which helps narcotize the children on long trips.
- A mystic beverage secretly used by our most popular novelists and poets to regulate the imagination and narcotize the conscience.
- He explains that most black junkies really are trying to narcotize themselves against being a black man in the white man's America.
- If you were to tell me that, someday, human beings with access to entertainment technologies will narcotize themselves on a steady drip of celebrity blather, I would tell you that you are describing March 2011.
- We shall sleep well to-night; but let us sit awhile with nubiferous, or, if we may coin a word, nepheligenous accompaniment, such as shall gently narcotize the over-wearied brain and fold its convolutions for slumber like the leaves of a lily at nightfall.
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